Tables Splat is designed to develop speed and accuracy for recall of the Times Tables up to 12. The game allows users to rehearse their skills in a fun and enjoyable way. Users race against the clock to see how many sums they can answer in a minute. High scores are added to your own personal table to keep a record of user achievements.
To start playing the game users will select the Tables Splat icon on their ipod/ iphone.

Tables Splat Home screen will then open giving users various options. Using the sound on/off button you can choose whether or not too have sound accompanying your Tables Splat session. Player Log-on will allow you to log in to your account - multiple users are allowed so you can play with your family or friends (who will be the top?). The High Score option will take you to your personal Table where a record is kept of you Tables Splat Achievements. The main options on the Tables Splat Home Screen are Splat the Answer! and Splat the Question!

After choosing Splat the Answer! or Splat the Question! You will be asked which Times Table you would like to attempt - Remember the idea of the game is to keep bettering your High Score so keep trying...

The two options of game play are Splat the Answer! and Splat the Question! Splat the answer will ask you a question based on the selected Times Table e.g 2x2 or 4x2 or 5x2. When the question appears the user Splats the correct answer. How many can you Splat correctly in 1 minute?

When choosing Splat the Question! users will be given a Times Table sum with a number missing e.g ? x 2 = 14 or ? x 2 = 10. The user has to Splat the missing number as quickly as possible and see how many they get correct in 1 minute.

After the minute is up, users will be taken to the Results Screen This will tell you how many you got correct and if you have beaten your High Score. You will be given options to view your Table, Retry the Times Table or go to the Main Menu.

Your Table will record and store the High Scores users achieve for Splat the Answer! and Splat the Question! When users finish viewing their scores, they can close the window and return to the game.

Tables Splat allows for multitasking. If for any reason your game is interupted, you will be given the option to continue from where you left off or go back to the main menu!

And finally, Have Fun!
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